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Listed Building Consent

Listed Buildings are protected under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 which states that “no person shall execute or cause to be executed any works for the demolition of a listed building or for its alteration or extension in any manner which would affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest, unless the works are authorised”.


To authorise the proposed works listed building consent, which is a type of planning control, will need to be granted. If the works, go ahead without listed building consent then this is a criminal offence which if convicted for can result in substantial fines and possibly a prison sentence.


The controls of listed building consent will often mean that planning permission will be required for works where it otherwise wouldn’t i.e. permitted development and are used to prevent unrestricted demolition, alteration and extension of listed buildings. It is required even if the work does not need planning permission.


The controls cover all parts of the building on the interior and exterior along with any object or structure fixed to it. In addition, structures and objects that are in the buildings curtilage and have been there since 1 July 1948 are treated to be part of the listed building.


Some local authorities offer pre-application advice for heritage buildings with a fee being charged but, in all cases, there is no fee for listed building consent.


How we can help with Listed Building Consent

Obtaining listed building consent is often not a very straightforward process with the application often needing detailed information of the proposed works and the listed building. Generally, all applications require as a minimum:


  • A fully completed application form

  • A location plan with the site/building edged in red.

  • Scaled drawings of existing and proposed floor plans, elevations and sections

  • Scaled drawings of proposed details such as doors, windows, staircases etc.

  • A heritage statement


For works to historic buildings we work alongside our sister company Heritage First who provide heritage statements and expert advice. Our joint role will be to complete the application and submit the information detailed above to the local authority for approval. Depending on the level or impact of the proposed works consultation with the conservation officer or other historic bodies may then be required and sometimes there are requests for additional information.


More information for Listed Building Consent here


Contact us for Listed Building Consent

©2023 Architecture First

Derbyshire England

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