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Listed Buildings

When proposing to undertake alterations, extension, demolition, or larger repairs to Listed Buildings there is a requirement to obtain Listed Building Consent prior to any work commencing if the proposals affect the significance or character of the building.

Consent is required for work to all parts of the building covered by the list description and possibly additional buildings or structures in the curtilage of the listed building.

It is a criminal offence not to seek consent when required and not knowing that a building is listed can not be given in defence of any criminal charges. If there is any doubt in the status of building investigations should be made and the local planning authority consulted. Further information on the listed building consent can be found at, Historic England.



We have over 30 years’ experience of carrying out work to listed properties and in-depth knowledge of the requirements for Listed Building Consent. Our in-house heritage consultant will work alongside those who are producing architect’s drawings to provide heritage statements, heritage impact assessments and statements of significance.

The minimum requirements for Listed Building Consent are:

  • Fully completed and signed Listed Building Consent application form.

  • A large-scale map extract (1:1250) showing the location of the site/building edged in red.

  • Metric scaled architect drawings of plans, elevations and sections that show the existing and proposed. (Generally, 1:50 scale).

  • Metric scaled architect drawings of proposed details such as doors, windows, partitions, staircases, and other features. (Generally, 1:10, 1:5 and 1:2 scales).

  • A heritage statement that identifies the significance of the building, the impact of the proposal on the significance and mitigation measures.

A large percentage of the work we undertake is to Listed Buildings including period houses, barns, churches, chapels, mills, and former industrial buildings.

The projects we have worked on include, internal and external alterations, adding extensions, the conversion of buildings to provide a new use, and repair work.


Often along with architect’s drawings and a heritage statement we will produce repair schedules, detailed specifications, and method statements.

Listed Building Conversions

Converting listed churches, barns, chapels, schools, former industrial and agricultural buildings

We supply the -

Architectural Drawings

Heritage Statement

Planning Application

Listed Building Consent

Building Regulation Approval

Listed Building Extensions

Extending listed buildings and carrying out internal alterations

We supply the -

Architectural Drawings

Heritage Statement

Planning Application

Listed Building Consent

Building Regulation Approval

Owning a listed building brings additional responsibilities with its upkeep and adaptation often requiring the need for those who have the knowledge plus experience to ensure significance and historic fabric is not harmed. We can help with the often not so easy process of gaining Listed Building Consent in place and making sure that the works that follow are correct with the character of the historic building being preserved.

Check if your building is listed by searching the map here.

If you are considering work to a listed building, then we are here to help so please contact us to discuss your requirements.

01332 510225

©2023 Architecture First

Derbyshire England

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