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Design and Access Statements

A design and access statement are prepared to support an application for planning permission and are used to explain the assessment of the site and its context. It explains design principles and concepts that have been applied to the development and demonstrates how the proposed development’s context has influenced the design. It will also explain how relevant Local Plan policies have been considered and the approach to access needs. Details of any consultation undertaken in relation to the development and how this consultation has informed the proposed development.


  • Since 2013 a design and access statement must be submitted for applications for:

  • Buildings of more than 1,000 m2

  • Housing developments of 10 dwellings or more

  • Applications for listed building consent

  • Development in a Conservation Area consisting of the provision of one or more dwelling houses or the provision of a building or buildings where the floor space created is 100 square metres or more


How we can help with Design and Access Statements

As part of an application for the type of development that is detailed above, we will produce and include a Design and Access Statement in the application for planning permission. With other types of planning applications providing the information that is included in a Design and Access Statement can help the local planning authority to understand the proposal and, in these cases, we tend to produce a Planning Statement. For works to a listed building and some developments in conservation areas the Design and Access can form part of the Heritage Statement.


Contact us for Design and Access Statements

©2023 Architecture First

Derbyshire England

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